The Söliwoulen is a respected masker in traditional Maninka society in Guinea with the duty of protecting uninitiated boys and girls (not yet an adult). The Söliwoulen dances alone as they make their way into the village, wearing a red costume called the "red panther" adorned with mirrors and amulets that instil fear into villagers as they approach the tall village wall - the tata.
In the same cultural context, Kawa, another protective mask, confronts witchcraft practitioners, while Söliwoulen focuses on guarding uninitiated youth and preserving cultural values. There can be only one Söliwoulen in each region so it's a role reserved for the master fetish makers. They impart vital information and predictions, sometimes for an individual in the crowd whilst battling malevolent forces.
*Summary of quotes from Master Djembefola such as Mamady Keita and Famadou Konaté -
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Demonstration of the mask dance Soliwoulen in Conakry, recorded at Fanta Kaba's compound with Billy Konate and Seydou Kourouma on solo djembe.
Söliwulen · Mamady Keïta from the album Mögöbalu. Released on: 1995-01-31
Soliwulen. Famadou Konate from the album Hamana Namun released 2000
Soliwoulen breakdown · Mamady Keïta My Life for the Djembe