Case Studies & Good Practice
Building a school community band Newcroft P.S. (MS Word, 132 Kb)
Creating Soundtracks for filmstrips Brockshill P.S. (MS Word, 133 Kb)
Development group singing concert Church Hill C of E J.S. (MS Word, 132 Kb)
How to value WCET Newcroft P.S. (MS Word, 133 Kb)
Including music on the SIP Stafford Leys P.S. (MS Word, 131 Kb)
Instrumental Learning Hallbrook P.S. (MS Word, 133 Kb)
Lifting the profile of WCET Sherard P.S. (MS Word, 131 Kb)
Partnership Working Ellesmere College (MS Word, 132 Kb)
Transition Band Project Church Hill C of E J.S. (MS Word, 131 Kb)
Use of Pupil Premium money Stafford Leys P.S. (MS Word, 133 Kb)
Open Doors 2014 Pilot - Evaluation Report (PDF, 2.1 Mb)
Open Doors 2015 - Evaluation Report (PDF, 2.8 Mb)