In Mali, Fura is a leaf or herb used in the healing process and refers to a rhythm originating from the Malinke people of Mali played during the initiation ritual. Fura is linked to and can also be referred to as "Suku/Sugu" in Mali and "Soli" in Guinea. There are other rhythms such as Moribyassa that sound very similar to Fura but are played for different occasions.
Fura (PDF, 36 Kb)
Notation compiled by Ben Emerton, arranged by Adam Bailey
Djembe Accompaniment 1 (PDF, 755 Kb)
Cheese in a sandwich (PDF, 467 Kb)
Video Tutorials
Fura play along - graphic notation
Fura play along - standard notation
Stokes Wood Primary play Fura
Dawo (PDF, 33 Kb)
Dawo song Extended Intro (PDF, 74 Kb)
Youtube Links
Balakulandjan - Bolokada Condé