‘Making the most of Singing Assemblies’ – A FREE 1 hour online course for teachers in WCIT project schools
Date: Wed, 27th Sep 2023 15:45 - 16:45
Venue: Online
'Singing Assemblies and Improving your Choir'
How to make the most of your singing assembly to teach and improve both musical and singing skills. Strategies and ideas to take them to the next level.
Teachers can choose to attend 1 of the 3 dates offered (content is the same for all 3 sessions).
Most schools have some sort of singing assembly but what are they for and are you using the time in the most effective way? A chance to evaluate what you do and ideas and strategies to make them more effective.
This training course is offered FREE to schools buying a WCIT project in 2023/24 alongside another FREE session on 'Understanding Notation' (schools can choose 1 of the 3 session dates offered for this which will be on different days to notation).
£10 per person for non-WCIT schools.
Please click here to book via Eventbrite
More information: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/making-the-most-of-singing-assemblies-tickets-671390315507?aff=oddtdtcreator