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iPad Resources

Leicestershire Music have purchased a licence for all schools in Leicester and Leicestershire to have access to the ebook Teaching Music with Garageband for iPad, written by Ben Sellers; Transformance Music.

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Introduction from the Teaching Music with Garageband for iPad (2nd Edition)

We live in a society that overflows with sound. From supermarket radio to video game soundtracks, young people are constantly exposed to music, yet there are often few opportunities outside school for them to participate in music-making, and even fewer forums in which they can create their own. The 2014 National Curriculum for Music states that we, as teachers, should 'engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians'. However, unless pupils can relate the music they are taught in the classroom with the music they hear in the outside world, they may well conclude that 'proper' music must be played by professional adult musicians, with 'real' instruments, and will, as a consequence, underestimate the power of their own creative musical voice.

GarageBand on the iPad allows music lovers young and old to create music that, as one eight year-old pupil put it, 'sounds like it's off the radio'. It provides an interface that allows users to get the rhythms, melodies and lyrics that have accumulated in their body and mind out into the world, without the need for prior experience of playing a musical instrument or a theoretical understanding of music. The compositional process is intuitive and engaging, and the final product develops self- belief and a commitment to further music-making.

This book provides methods for all young people to compose high-quality, meaningful music in styles that are present in their daily lives. It develops their core musicianship and provides musical learning outcomes orientated around the UK National Curriculum.

We hope you and your pupils enjoy every minute of it.

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Teaching Music with Garageband for iPad (2nd Edition) - Access Request Form

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