Developing Outstanding Subject Leadership (Session 2 of 2)
Date: Wed, 17th Apr 2024, 13:00 - 16:00
Venue: TBC
This CPD is to develop the leadership and management in the music coordinator in Primary, SEND and PRU settings.
Wednesday 25th October 2023 – Session 1
Wednesday 17th April 2024 – Session 2
Session 1
This training will give you time to evaluate and develop your leadership skills in leading music within your school. We will cover three main themes.
Music Vision and Aims
You will reflect on your personal leadership and management attributes and how to use them effectively. You will develop a school music vision and be reflect on your school's intent for music for your music or curriculum policy, ensuring it is up to date with the National Plan for Music and with national key priorities.
Monitoring and Evaluation
You will reflect on an outstanding monitoring and evaluating system, that offers a cycle of continuous improvement. We will also investigate what makes a musical lesson and what good practice in musical assessment looks like. We will form a bank of investigative questions to aid the analysis of the data to inform future practice. Finally, you will reflect on creating a meaningful and achievable action plan for this subject.
Leadership and Management
In this session you will reflect on your learning and development over the time on the Developing Outstanding Subject Leadership in music training. You will evaluate your progress with leadership and management qualities and set further aspirations to continue your journey. We will also have time to tackle some of the issues you are facing and offer supportive advice.
By the end of the session you will be equipped to share your developed music vision and policy with members of staff, SLT and governors. You will be aware of strategies to enable music to be high profile in the school. You will leave the training with personal leadership and management targets to develop your role of leading music in an effective manner.
You will also have the understanding to implement an informative monitoring and evaluation cycle, carry out reflective lesson observations, support teachers in musical assessment and analyse the music data to offer continued improved practice in school.
Furthermore, you will have a better awareness of your preferred leadership style and set personal targets to improve your leading of the subject.
Session 2 - Reflection and evaluation follow up training
A good leader reflects and evaluates their practice. This session gives Music Coordinators the space to reflect on the learning and implementation of the Developing Outstanding Subject Leadership training. During the session Music Coordinators will also have access to expert knowledge from the Curriculum team at Leicestershire Music.
Cost per Delegate - £100
Please click here to visit our CPD Booking Page and book your place.